Frome’s community gardens group will be asking people what they would like to see in a garden on the former showfield this Saturday.
Children will have a chance to plant a seed and there will also be information on new and existing community gardens in Frome.
What do you want to see in a new community garden which will be based on the former Frome Show field?
The group plans to set up a gazebo on the showfield, near the medical centre and hospital, and people are invited to drop by and give their opinions on the plans to create a community garden.
Frome Town Council’s community projects officer Sarah Hobbs said: “The showfield is such an important open space in Frome and it is vital that local people have a say in what happens there.
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“We hope that lots of people will come along to help design and get involved in their very own community garden.”
Community gardens organiser, Helen Johnstone, said it was time for people to say what they want.
She said: “The time has come for people to tell us what they want.
“A community garden can have so much more than just space for growing fruit and vegetables.
It can have seating, specially built beds for disabled access, sensory planting, shared herb and fruit areas, ponds, wildlife planting and trees.”
The community gardens group has been supported by the Frome Development CIC, which wants to make it easier for people in Frome to grow their own food.
The community garden would have beds for growing vegetables, some of which can be made available to local community groups.
Others could be for rent by people living in the local area, and anyone interested is invited to pop in and talk to the community gardens group.
Following the consultation, the Frome Community Gardens group will draw up some plans for a garden, which people will be able to comment on.