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Register for Winter Gardening event in Fairview Nature Park Saturday

The Fairview community is invited to take advantage of a unique opportunity by joining Mitch Hampton at Bowie Nature Park for the final event of a three-part series on winter gardening. The hands-on class will be this Saturday, March 15 from 1 – 2 p.m. The three-part series will include classes on winter pruning, moss gardening, and getting your garden ready for spring.

Getting Your Garden

Ready for Spring

Spring is just around the corner, the work we do now is what sets the tone for the rest of the growing season. So in this month’s class, we will share tips that will help to make your landscape look better and save you a little or a lot of money in the long run.

March’s promise of warmer days has life stirring, so getting leaves off of plants, cutting back, dormant oil sprays, etc. become important. Join us as we get the grounds of the Nature Center ready for spring.

A lifelong gardener and naturalist, Mitch Hampton has been following his passion of natural landscaping for the last 13 years. His company, Greenman Tree Care Landscaping, specializes in shade and natural gardens.

He also has a background in formal landscaping tree work. This combination has given him a wealth of knowledge that he loves to share. His gardens have been featured on Volunteer Gardener, magazines and several garden tours.

The event is free, but pre-registration is required due to limited space. Call 615-799-5544 ext. 0 or e-mail to register.

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