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Arcadia Valley Garden Tour will be held June 21

The Arcadia Valley Garden Tour will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., June 21.

The tour will feature fifteen destinations in the Arcadia Valley, and will showcase gardens with unique features, raised bed gardening, herb gardening, vegetable gardens, landscaping, and three historic sites. Informative programs will include educational tours on growing blackberries, vermicomposting, bee demonstrations with an observation hive, and a pollination demonstration for daylilies.

This will be a self-guided tour with a brochure, maps and location information. A host will be available at the sites to provide direction and answers questions.

The Iron County Community Garden in conjunction with the Iron County Extension Council is presenting the tour as a fund raiser for the garden. The funds will be used for the garden operations, and educational and community outreach programs. Current programs include, a Grow a Reader Program, a Seed Share/Swap, and the Arcadia Valley Garden Tour. The tour is intended to also promote tourism and support local growers and businesses.

Elaine Willhite is the contact person for garden manager Linda Line and the tour. For cost and other information, please call the Iron County University Extension Office at 573-546-7515.

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