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3 gardening tips from Chicago landscape professional

I just asked my neighbor Kathy Simpson, KMS Gardens and Design owner and a landscape designer, to share some gardening tips. In the past, she told me not to be afraid to test a little of what I like. That gave me confidence to try new ideas.

KMS Gardens and Desings (

KMS Gardens and Desings (

1) What is your favorite perennial for Chicago shaded areas?
Brunnera macrophylla “Jack Frost”, common name is Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss. This plant always looks good, with a variegated leaf and pretty blue “forget-me-not” type blossoms in late spring. It is a tough plant and can handle some sun, but does just fine in woodland areas. It has a slightly hairy leaf that deters pests; no slugs or rabbits to deal with!

2) What is your favorite perennial for Chicago lots with a lot of exposure?
Geranium “Rozanne”, or Rozanne Cranesbill. This plant has periwinkle blooms that keep coming all season. It does a beautiful job spilling onto a walkway or over a wall.

It can handle a bit of shade and likes a well drained soil. Rabbits seem to ignore it and it can grow into a lovely 15-20″ mound by the end of the season.

3) What is one piece of advice you offer those testing their green thumb?
Don’t be afraid to try new plants as long as you have done your homework about the cultural needs of the plant and are realistic about the conditions in your garden. The sustainable and smart mantra is “the right plant for the right place”.

This is perfect timing since I try to plant my parents’ city garden before Mother’s Day. Ironically, one of her client’s lived down the street from my parents’ home on Roscoe. We also need to do some work on our own green space.

In the past, I relied on a lot of annuals. I’m transitioning to more perennials to be lower maintenance (time and money). I’ve followed more creative examples of professional landscape architects and designers I admire such as my neighbor Kathy.

What inspires you?

Happy gardening.

From the archive: How I try to improve our garden

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