Anyone who knows anything about anything already knows that Olive Garden is a great place to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine in a relaxing casual dining atmosphere, and that when you’re there, you’re family. (Not the mafia kind, you racist!) But did you know they will soon be adding “high fashion uniforms” to their list of Reasons To Visit Olive Garden?
Well, they are. And the lucky designer is (drumroll please)…BAPE. As in Japanese street wear company Bathing Ape. As in…what in the what?!
It’s true. At least according to a post I read on a blog, the most trustworthy way to get information to the people. According to The Crosby Press, BAPE designed some snazzy new uniforms for OG because the old ones were not nearly humiliating enough. They claim to have a picture of said uniforms, sent to them by a former photographer who is now working corporate gigs. Oh dear.
Faces of death
That’s right: your unlimited salad and breadsticks will now come with a side of swag!
Of course, I have no clue if this photo is real or not, but I want it to be true so badly it’s hurting me. Some evidence in favor? Olive Garden’s numbers have been sliding since it became widely recognized as the lamest place on earth, and they’ve already torn down some of their “Tuscan decor” and changed the uniforms once. Plus, BAPE loves to collaborate with other brands. So it’s possibly a total non-joke.
Assuming it is true, I would very much like to revisit Olive Garden’s draconian “no weed smoking in the bathrooms” policy, because I cannot have a hip and #topical urban experience without a blunt at my side. They might also consider a lifestyle branding campaign similar to the one Applebee’s rolled out last year:
New Ad Urges Hipsters To Go To Applebee’s Ironically
(Via The Crosby Press)
Photo: Olive Garden?
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