2nd Chance Dog Rescue
Email: secondchance002@yahoo.com
Website: www.2ndchancedogrescue.com
American Red Cross
Phone: (585) 241-4491
Website: www.redcross.org/ny/rochester/
Arc of Yates
Phone: Terry Freeman, 536-7447
Email: tfreeman@arcofyates.org
Website: www.arcofyates.org
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Phone: Jen Arelline, (585) 442-2250
Email: jarelline@bbbsr.org
Website: www.bbbsr.org
Camp Good Days and Special Times
Phone: Laura Osborn, 585-624-5555 ext. 315
Email: losborn@campgooddays.org
Website: www.campgooddays.org
Cobblestone Arts Center
Phone: Sue Benson or Collette Welch, (585) 398-0220
Email: cobblestoneartscenter@gmail.com
Compassionate Care
Phone: Mary Brady, (585) 394-0660
Email: bradymar@gmail.com
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Yates County
Master Forest Owner/Gardener Programs
Phone: 536-5123
Email: ejn22@cornell.edu
4-H Youth Development Program
Phone: 536-5123
Email: jls233@cornell.edu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/4-H-Yates-County-New-York/222282994503465?ref=hl
Family Counseling of the Finger Lakes
Phone: Becky Emerson or Pam Raeman, 789-2613
Email: bemerson@fcsfl.org
Website: www.fcsfl.org
Finger Lakes Health
Phone: Christen Smith, 787-4065
Email: christen.smith@flhealth.org
Friendship House
Phone: (585) 554-6095
Email: friendshiphouse@frontier.com
Geneva Center of Concern/Geneva Food Pantry
Phone: Cheryl Toor, 789-1117
Email: genevacoc@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Geneva-Center-of-Concern/239266049466239
Geneva Community Lunch Program
Phone: Connie Sullivan, 521-6684
Email: csullivan@dor.org
Website: www.dor.org
Geneva Exchange TimeBanks
Website: http://geneva.timebanks.org/
Geneva Public Library
Phone: Theresa Osborne, 789-5303
Email: tosborne@pls-net.org
Habitat for Humanity of Ontario County
Phone: Dale Reed, (585) 396-3600
Website: www.hfhoc.org
House of John in Clifton Springs
Phone: Carole or Danese, 462-5646
Email: house@houseofjohn.org
Website: www.houseofjohn.org
Humane Society of Yates County
Phone: 536-6094
Website: www.yateshumane.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php? id=100003229426981ref=ts#!/pages/Humane-Society-of-Yates-County/58871338860
Keuka Comfort Care Home
Phone: Anne Kiefer, 536-1690
Website: keukacomfortcarehome.org
Literacy Volunteers of Cayuga County
Phone: Elisa Hunt, 253-5241
Website: www.human-services.org/program_detail.php?id=127
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Literacy-Volunteers-of-Cayuga-County/171764249516283
Literacy Volunteers of Wayne County
Phone: Boyd Kimball, 946-5333
Email: lvwaynebl@rochester.rr.com
Website: www.lvwayne.org
Meals on Wheels
Northern Seneca County
Phone: Sarah Rowe, 568-9436
Email: Sarah.Rowe@redcross.org
Wayne County
Phone: Sue Buckley, 946-5623
Email: SBuckley@co.wayne.ny.us
Newark-Wayne Community Hospital DeMay Living Center
Phone: Marie Burnham, 332-2273
Email: marie.burnham@rochestergeneral.org
Website: www.rochestergeneral.org/about-us/newark-wayne-community-hospital/volunteering/
Ontario County Office for the Aging Meal Delivery
Phone: Tarah Shedenhelm, 781-1321 or (585) 396-4040
Website: www.co.ontario.ny.us/Aging
Ontario ARC
Phone: Donna Auria, (585) 919-2191
Email: dauria@ontarioarc.org
Website: www.ontarioarc.org/volunteer
Ontario-Yates Hospice
Phone: Max Bishop, 789-9821, ext. 3030, or (800) 253-4439
Phelps Arts Center
Phone: Edward Phillips, 548-2095
Email: pac@phelpsny.com
Website: www.phelpsartscenter.com
Phelps Community Historical Society
Phone: 548-4940
ProAction Yates Office for the Aging
Phone: Stephanie Bates, 536-5515
Email: BatesS@proactioninc.org
Website: www.proactioninc.org/
Real Christmas
Phone: Charlotte Carroll, 539-8242; Bonnie Hosford, 539-9240
Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes Inc.
Phone: Jill Koczent, 536-9654
Email: jill_k@safeharborsfl.org
Website: www.safeharborsfl.org
Seneca County Chamber of Commerce
Phone: Miranda Polmanteer, 568-2906
Email: mpolmanteer@senecachamber.com
Seneca County House of Concern
Phone: Diane Draheim, 568-2433
Email: hocseneca@gmail.com
Website: www.houseofconcern.org
Seneca County Workforce Development
Phone: LeeAnn Haust, 539-1884
Email: lhaust@co.seneca.ny.us
Website: www.co.seneca.ny.us/workforceyouth bureau.php
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Seneca-County-Workforce-Development-Youth-Bureau/2473961 65290206
Smith Opera House
Phone: Jessica Allen, 781-5483
Email: jallen@thesmith.org
Soldiers Sailors Memorial Hospital
Phone: Loree MacKerchar, 531-2053
Email: loree.mackerchar@flhealth.org
Sonnenberg Gardens Mansion State Historic Park
Phone: Pamela Gangloff, (585) 394-4922
Email: volunteers@sonnenberg.org
Website: www.sonnenberg.org
Wayne CAP Foster Grandparent Program
Phone: Laurie Ten Eyck, 665-0131, ext. 190
Email: laurie.teneyck@waynecap.org
Wayne CAP Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Phone: Kim Bumpus, 665-0131, ext. 170
Email: kimberly.bumpus@waynecap.org
Website: www.waynecap.org
Yates County Habitat for Humanity
Phone: John Keenan, 536-9159
Website: www.yateshabitat.org/
Contact the individual organizations to find out about specific volunteer needs.
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