Paul’s Plant Pick:
Still Looking Great: Bergenia ‘Magic Giant’
Here is a Bergenia, commonly know as pigsqueak, which seems to be on steroids. This extra-large-growing selection first caught my attention in the Sweetpea’s display at Canada Blooms last March. I was immediately drawn to its upright nature and the overall size of the dark green, ruffled foliage. We managed to secure a few of these perennials to provide bold textural contrast in mixed planters in the TBG gardens. In late spring, its arching stems of pink blossoms were admired by garden visitors and enjoyed by many of the bumblebees feeding in the garden. Bergenia ‘Magic Giant’ continues to impress even at this time of year, with its dramatic autumn burgundy leaf colour, as above. I just love it and am trying to obtain additional plants to be added to the TBG’s collection next year, as well as a few extras for May’s TBG Plant Sale. Later this week, the plants shown here will be heeled into the garden to overwinter, and just in the nick of time, these containers will be planted up with spring flowering bulbs to add a welcome splash of colour next May.
Paul Zammit
The Nancy Eaton Director of Horticulture
shopTBG: Wearable Wood
After months of anticipation, we are thrilled to be able to offer an exclusive and limited number of beautiful, one-of-a kind wooden bracelets in the shop. These extra-special, hand-crafted works of art are made form the salvaged and recycled branches of the Platanus x acerifolia (London planetrees), that were removed from TBG property during the parking lot renovation. Our recycled wood bracelets are the incredible creations of two passionate and visionary Toronto artists, Amanda Gomm and Mark Calzavara.
Some other timely reminders from the shop:
•Gifts that Grow: there’s still time to order potted paperwhites and Amaryllis for the holidays from $19.99
•Save 30 per cent on three or more hanging tree ornaments from $2.99
•Local honey and maple syrup (perfect for any occasion, or treat yourself) from $7
•Gift certificates and TBG Memberships are always available
Heidi Hobday
Shop Supervisor
Wild about Design: Give the Gift of Design
By Sara Katz, owner of Wild at Heart Design
our bulbs are planted and the garden has been put to bed. What next? With the imminent arrival of winter, it is time to search for holiday gifts for all the gardeners on your list.
Another pair of gardening gloves? So ho-hum. Instead, why not give a gift of garden design to inspire your favourite gardeners to new botanical heights? (Or drop hints for your own list.)
Books on garden design are the perfect answer to get any gardener through a long winter. The following classic design books are not new, but they are essential tools to get the creative juices flowing. As beautifully illustrated as coffee table art books, they will provide inspiration for many seasons to come.
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From the Stacks: Ethnobotanical Literature and the Relationship Between
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