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Tau Beta Beta to present program on garden design at library

On Wednesday, March 13, at 1 p.m. in the Wakelin Room of the Wellesley Free Library, Lexington resident and Wellesley College graduate, Maureen Bovet, will be guiding Tau Beta Beta through the public parks of New York City with her collection of beautiful slides and unique view of the green spaces available in the Big Apple.  Included in the presentation, “New York Garden Spaces – Maureen Bovet presents the green side of the Big Apple” are Wave Hill; the garden at the Cloister, Olsmsted-designed Central Park, with its 70-year-old Conservatory Garden; the new High Line Park modeled on a Paris railroad bed reuse; the New York Botanical Garden, and Battery Park at the top of Manhattan looking out at the Statue of Liberty.  She will discuss garden design and plant cultivation along with the fascinating history of these parks.  Maureen has propagated plants for Historic New England, developed the volunteer gardening program at Habitat in Belmont; designed the Memorial Garden at First Parish Church in Lexington, is a Museum Associate at the MFA on the Flower Team and provides practical garden counsel and coaching to her garden design clients.

The program is being presented by Tau Beta Beta, a charitable organization founded more than 100 years ago in Brookline.  Tau Beta Beta’s membership is made up of women from Brookline, Newton, Wellesley and surrounding towns.  Its sole purpose is to raise funds and grant yearly scholarships to worthy young women from Brookline, Newton or Wellesley desiring college or vocational school training.  The organization no longer raises funds through events, but through contributions of its members.  Its social component is maintained through a series of six meetings held September through April, with many of the gatherings being of an educational nature presented by qualified speakers.  Membership is open to any woman within a 25-mile radius of Brookline who wishes to contribute toward the scholarships awarded to deserving young women each year.  For information about membership contact Adele Beggs at 781-237-1497.

The event at the Wellesley Main Library on March 13 is open to the public at no charge.  



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