FRIENDSHIP – The Friendship Museum will host speaker and garden historian Diane George Chapin of The Heirloom Garden of Maine on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Friendship United Methodist Church in Friendship.
Chapin will present slides and stories on historic garden design, heirloom plants for Maine gardens, and the joys and challenges of seaside gardening. Flower–themed refreshments will follow the program. This event is the first in a series sponsored by the Friendship Museum to support and generate interest in its first self–guided garden tour this coming summer. On August 10, fifteen gardens will be featured in Friendly Garden Visits along Harbor Road, with follow–up garden related activities and raffles.
This event is free and open to the public, although donations are accepted. For more information, contact Liga Jahnke at 832-6646 or Susan Lagasse at
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