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Stormwater management tips (Garden Talk) – The Birmingham News

By Bethany A. O’Rear

Q. I am hearing
more and more about stormwater runoff and how it affects our environment. Considering the large amount of rain that we
have received in the last few weeks, I am earnestly trying to figure out how I
can reduce the amount of water leaving my landscape. Can you provide some tips?

A. Great
question!! The manner in which we manage
our properties directly affects our waterways – positively or negatively.

In natural areas
such as forests, heavy rains seep into the soil. However, in human-built
landscapes, water often runs from impervious surfaces such as roofs, walks, and
drives directly into our waterways. This “stormwater” can significantly impact
our watersheds – surface water such as rivers and lakes, and groundwater from
which many of us get our drinking water.

This impact on our
watershed is often undesirable.
Stormwater can cause severe damage as it flows overland; often causing
flooding and stream bank erosion. Water that does not have time to percolate
into natural areas can wash excessive sediments into rivers and streams. Muddy
water is not a suitable habitat for many of our native plants and fish, giving
room for invasive species to thrive. Excessive water flowing across our
landscapes can wash harmful chemicals and other materials into our water
systems. Fertilizers and pesticides, especially when used incorrectly, can be
flushed into rivers and streams, many of which serve as a source for drinking

To minimize such
negative impacts of your landscape on our watersheds, consider these practices
before applying pesticides to your landscape.

  • Put the right
    plant in the right place. Healthy, stress-free plants suffer less from pests.
  • Identify the plant first.  Be aware of its normal, healthy appearance.
  • Identify the pest
    second. Not all suspicious characters cause problems.
  • Read and abide by the pesticide label.  THE LABEL IS THE LAW.
  • Avoid having
    leftover chemicals. When choosing chemical controls, buy and mix only what you
  • More is not better.  Use the lowest labeled concentration rate that will get the job done.
  • Protect beneficial
    creatures. Spot treat the pest and avoid broadcast applications of pesticide.
  • Follow the label
    instructions for disposal. Do not put unused pesticides in household garbage

Here are some
additional changes to the landscape that will help reduce the adverse effects
of stormwater runoff.

–Drip line infiltration
trench. This is simply a trench, about 18-inches wide and about 8-inches deep,
with crushed stone of various sizes in layers, under the roof drip line. It
captures heavy roof runoff, allowing it to seep into the soil naturally. It
works best in sandy or well-drained soils; otherwise you may need to install a
perforated PVC pipe as well in the trench.

walkways and patios. Leave a small space between bricks, flagstones, or other
pavers. Water can soak between pavers into a stone reservoir underneath. You
can find pervious pavers for driveways, as well.

–Rain barrels.
Place these large drums, often plastic and 55-gallon capacity or similar, under
downspouts to collect water for later use in watering plants. Make sure and
empty between rains to ensure there is enough space to capture runoff from
large storms. Cisterns are larger capacity versions.

–Rain gardens.
These bowl-shaped gardens utilize soil, mulch, and plants to absorb runoff and
allow it to then seep into the soil naturally. When making your selections, do
a little research to find plants that will handle dry periods as well as
standing in water for a short amount of time.

–Water bar. If you
have a moderately steep path, drive, or walk, consider adding one of these.
Bury a 6- or 8-inch wide rot-resistant timber across the path at an angle, with
a trench of similar depth on the upward side, lined with geotextile (like weed
barrier) fabric and filled with crushed stone. As water flows down the slope it
will soak into the trench, then the timber directs it to the side where it can

I hope these tips are helpful.  Happy Gardening!

Garden Talk is
written by Bethany A. O’Rear of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, C.
Beaty Hanna Horticulture Environmental Center, which is based at the
Birmingham Botanical Gardens. This column includes research-based information
from land-grant universities around the country, including Alabama AM
University and Auburn University. Email questions to Bethany at or call 205 879-6964 x15. Learn more
about what is going on in Jefferson County by visiting the ACES website, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @acesedu

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