Teresa Rham – Award winning Oswestry garden designer .
Teresa choosing plants for the project.
The garden will form part of Malvern’s celebrations marking 100 years of the Tour de France, a fitting reminder that the race will once again return to the UK next year.
Entitled ‘Single Track Mind’, Teresa’s design represents the mental strength that these top athletes need, not only to complete one of the tour’s stages but also to last the distance and complete the whole three-week race, which covers some 3300 kilometres.
The exciting scheme has three distinct planting zones to represent different stages of the race. The first will feature fresh green and white planting, alluding to the cyclist’s clear mind and fresh physical condition when starting the race.
The second stage is one many long distance racers will recognise, sees the rider in a much darker place, with planting becoming deeper, darker and sharper in tone and texture.
With the race nearing completion the third planting zone is all about celebration, the race is complete and both jubilation and relief are abundant. However, this is the smallest of the planting circles, as the celebrations don’t last long before its back to training.
A number of local companies are helping Teresa’s vision come to life including The Dingle nurseries in Welshpool who are loaning Teresa some of the specimen trees for her scheme.
Teresa who has been a professional garden designer for the last four years has exhibited at Malvern before and was part of the winning show garden team at the Shrewsbury Flower show two years ago.
She is currently working with the team at Telford Town Park to help transform one of the former Chelsea Gardens into a new sensory space and has also worked with RJAH Orthopedic Hospital and Whittingham Castle on their external spaces as well as a number of private individuals helping them transform their gardens.
The Malvern Spring Show runs from 9th – 12th May.
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