The Master Gardeners of Rutherford County are accepting registrations for the annual garden basics course.
The classes are held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday mornings at Lane Agri-Park, located at 315 John R Rice Blvd. in Murfreesboro. Class dates for the 2013 five-week series are Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, and 23.
Garden Basics 2013 is designed to help people who are new to gardening or horticultural activities and those new to Middle Tennessee soils. The course is also popular with experienced gardeners looking to pick up some new tips and expand their knowledge.
All classes are taught by certified master gardeners, in cooperation with the local University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University Extension Service.
Class topics include information on starting the spring and summer gardens, site selection, landscaping, basic botany, composting, soil fertility, pest management, pruning, garden design, fall gardens and problem solving.
The registration fee is $45 and includes all course materials, drinks and snacks, plus the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other gardeners. Class size is limited to the first 45 registrants.
For information and to register, call 615-898-7710, or visit the Rutherford County Master Gardeners website at
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