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Rake and Hoe Garden Club of Westfield youth group presents floral designs to …



The youth group from the Rake and Hoe Garden Club of Westfield, ages 5- to 15-years-old, created more than 70 floral designs to present to the hard working staff at the Jardine Academy.

The girls recognize the tremendous efforts that all the staff members do for the students at the academy and cheerfully put together a holiday-themed design for each to take home with them. The garden club is dedicated to the Jardine group; adult members had recently decorated the Jardine Academy tree with festive moons and stars.

Jardine provides an educational program designed for students of multiple disabilities and also has additional programs in Union. The Cerebral Palsy League operates both locations for students from 3 to 21 years of age. The essential skills curriculum is uniquely developed for each student’s requirements and can include student’s self care, health and fitness, interpersonal skills, mobility and functional academics.

If interested in joining the Rake and Hoe Club, call membership chair Karen Jolley-Gates 908-233-5125.

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