Posted Friday, April 26, 2013-11:59 am
By Laura Coleman
For San Gabriel Valley residents looking for a leisurely way to spend an afternoon, the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts, which opened last Sunday, offers a particularly inspirational journey for design afficionados. This year’s Showcase House – a repeat from 2000 when it had a white plaster facade – runs until May 19 and takes place in an architecturally ambiguous two-story brick Monterey Colonial in Arcadia that was built in 1941 for the Barker Brothers Furniture family.
Nearly 30,000 design, architecture and garden aficionados are expected at the Showcase House over the next month, which raises money to fund music programs. In preparation for the public unveiling, The Courier toured this quintessential California-style residence which showcases the skill of local designers and landscapers who were tasked with transforming the house and grounds at their expenses.
FAMILY TIME —Thoughtful details abound throughout the home, such as this custom-made table in the Family Room that can be made taller.
The Enchanted Entry: Created by landscape design firm Pacific Outdoor Living to evoke grandeur and tranquility, the entry garden uses the existing sycamore and oak trees to frame the space, adding paving stones, a babbling brook and plantings that include lavender, iceberg roses, sculpted dwarf bushes, ferns and succulents. A meandering stream heralds the peaceful retreat inside.
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