Channel the inner designer in you and enter the “Dreaming of Design” Matchmaker Round as part of the Mid-Atlantic Home Garden Show March 1-3 in Virginia Beach.
To participate in the design room challenge, you design your dream 10-by-14-foot room online, using a $2,500 budget for Value City Furniture. The winner actually receives a $2,500 shopping spree at Value City Furniture.
Once submitted, the four contestants with the most votes will then create their design rooms and tweak them with the help of an interior designer at the show. The winner receives a $2,500 shopping spree to Value City Furniture.
General guidelines
- Contestants must be at least 18 years old
- Contestants must not have received any professional training or instruction in residential interior design or have worked in the design industry
- Designs must be submitted on a “Look Board” as a .jpg file Jan. 18 through 5 p.m. Feb. 8.
- Public voting is Feb. 9 through midnight Feb. 17- utilize your social networking skills to get as many votes as possible
- Four finalists will be announced Feb. 18 – based on voting and opinion of the judges
- Finalists must agree to be interviewed and photographed to publicize the event
- March 1 at 10 am the four finalists will have 8 hours to create their designs during the Mid-Atlantic Home and Garden Show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center
- Value City will provide the furniture and Valspar/Lowe’s will give each finalist a $250 allowance for paint and supplies
- Judging will take place on Saturday, March 2, and winners will be announced at 1 p.m. on the main stage.
To participate, visit where you will see how to enter and helpful tips for creating your room.
Posted by Kathy Van Mullekom;
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