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Learn How to Plan Your Urban Garden

Free Seed, Sow Grow program hosted by Boston Natural Areas Network

BOSTON, MA, March 25, 2013 – Urban green spaces present some unique challenges, such as space constraints, accessible resources, and concerns about soil.  However urban gardening in Boston neighborhoods continues to thrive.

In its ongoing role as a resource to Boston’s 15,000 community gardeners and as part of its Seed, Sow Grow series, Boston Natural Areas Network is offering two special free programs, on Saturday, April 6 at the BNAN office.  The morning session will focus on Urban Garden Design. The program will show you the building blocks of ecological urban garden design.  Participants will leave with a basic understanding of plant selection and how to plan a front, back yard or deck garden.

The afternoon session will focus on Planning your Vegetable Garden. The participants will create planting schedules and learn about companion planting and spacing. When the program is over we hope you will be able to create a vegetable garden plan that fits your space and tastes!

Both workshops will be held at BNAN’s office, 62 Summer Street in Boston (near Downtown Crossing and reachable by public transportation).  The morning Urban Garden Design session will run from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and the afternoon Planning your Vegetable Garden program will run from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Space is limited so registration is required for one or both programs. To register, please call 617-542-7696 or email Participants registering for both workshops are invited to bring a bag lunch.

The Seed, Sow Grow horticultural series is free and open to the public and presented February through October by BNAN staff, volunteers, local horticultural professionals and knowledgeable graduates of BNAN’s Master Urban Gardener Program.  For a schedule of Seed, Sow Grow workshops, call BNAN at 617-542-7696 or visit

Boston Natural Areas Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together local residents, partner organizations, public officials and foundations to preserve, expand and enhance urban open space, including community gardens, greenways and urban wilds.  For further information about the organization, becoming a member or the calendar of events, visit, or call 617-542-7696.

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