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Judi Lloyd: Problem-solving tips and tricks in the garden

I’ve compiled a list of my favorite tips to keep you growing in the right direction. And, thank you to my friend, Vincie, in Denver for some of them.

• Use a plant pot or pail and dry sand to store your trowels and other small tools in. The sand will keep them standing up and free of rust.

• If you’re constantly making trips back to the spot where you keep your garden tools (although that’s good exercise), get an old mailbox and decorate it. Put it on the opposite side of your yard from where you store most of your tools. Then store small tools, gloves, hand cream, etc. in it; so now you have two spots for your stuff.

• If you have some old leaky buckets, don’t toss them in the trash, as they make great slow waterers for trees and shrubs.  Set a filled bucket near a plant and leave it there.  The water will leak out of the holes slowly into the soil, where it will help the plants instead of running off the top.

• When planting seedlings, it is difficult to water the roots without dousing the tiny plant. You can make a reusable collar for them by cutting up short sections from corrugated plastic drain tile. When placed around the plant, it will act as a small reservoir and deter some critters. It can be left on the plant all season, so no need to remove it.

• Use an old salt shaker to sow small seeds. It will distribute them more evenly.

• Save the string sacks that onions, oranges and potatoes come in to dry and store flower bulbs at the end of the season. Never store them in plastic bags as they will rot.

• Never transplant a seedling until it has at least four leaves. This second set (called true leaves) is needed to help withstand transplant shock. Never transplant on a sunny day.

• Remove the flowers from lilies as soon as they begin to fade. This not only makes the plant more attractive, but also prevents seed formation, and allows the plant to concentrate its energy on renewing the bulb. You should cut off the flowers, but leave the foliage because the leaves are important for efficient photosynthesis. Wait until the leaves turn yellow before you cut them.

On another note: The Cooperative Extension’s third Saturday workshop is scheduled for April 19 at 10 a.m. The program will focus on centipede grass maintenance and problem solving. As always, we’ll meet in Craven County Agricultural Building. This event is free and open to the public and no pre-registration is needed. Also, don’t forget about the one-hour third Monday plant discussion on April 21 at 5:30 p.m. at the same location.


Judi Lloyd lives in River Bend and can be contacted at


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