We have a good chance now to have some input on what’s going to happen with our wonderful Rose Garden in at the Houston Garden Center in Hermann Park. Let’s not waste this opportunity! Here’s what I just received:
Hermann Park Centennial Gardens Public Meetings
Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8
In celebration of Hermann Park’s Centennial in 2014, the Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) and the Hermann Park Conservancy have worked together to enhance the park, with more projects to come. The Houston Garden Center is set to be transformed into the Centennial Gardens, a lushly planted landscape destined to become a favorite spot for Houstonians and tourists.
You are invited to attend two public meetings to learn more about the $30 million project, which is scheduled to open in 2014, the year Hermann Park celebrates its 100th birthday.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
7:45 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Houston Garden Center in Hermann Park
1500 Hermann Drive, Houston 77004
Thursday, November 8
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
The Houston Garden Center in Hermann Park
1500 Hermann Drive, Houston 77004
Some of the exciting changes include eight acres of various gardens from a formal rose garden to an interactive family garden, a sculpture promenade featuring public art donated by countries around the world and a pavilion designed by world-renowned architect Peter Bohlin.
The prestigious design team consisting of nationally known architects and landscape architects has thoughtfully created preliminary plans with the Gardens’ diverse constituents in mind, from families walking in from surrounding neighborhoods to visitors traveling to attend a garden show.
For more information about HPARD, visit http://www.houstonparks.org/, email askparks@houstontx.gov or call 832.395.7022. For more information about Hermann Park or the Hermann Park Conservancy, visit http://www.hermannpark.org/.
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Brenda’s “LAZY GARDENER’S GUIDE ON CD” is based on her 45+-year Lazy Gardener column in the Houston Chronicle.
Brenda’s book-on-CD is perfect for those new to gardening, those who loves to garden or those who have to at least maintain a front yard so the neighbors won’t hate you!
Month-by-month, when-to-do-what-in Greater Houston Area Gardens — plant? prune? fertilize? With 12 garden designs for butterflies, hummingbirds, sun, shade, herbs, antique roses, tropicals . . . you name it. Mail checks ($20) payable to Brenda Beust Smith to Lazy Gardener’s Guide on CD, 14011 Greenranch Dr., Houston, TX 77039. (email: lazygardener@sbcglobal.net)
CLUBS! (and other nonprofit gardening/environmental organizations): feel free to post your upcoming events through the “Comments” section on any of the Lazy Gardener blog posts (http://blogs.chron.com/lazygardener). Scroll to bottom of screen to find the “Comments.”
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