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Improving soil is subject at garden club meeting – Times

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EUREKA — Learn how to improve your garden soil at the Eureka Sequoia Garden Club’s monthly meeting Friday, at the First Covenant Church Carriage House, 2526 J St.

Preceding the program will be the monthly Floral Design Workshop from 10 to 11 a.m. presented by Mary Lou Goodwin, club president and owner of Eureka Florist.

The theme this month is “We Are Thankful” and will introduce the “Reflective Design” concept of flower arranging, incorporating a reflective object such as a mirror. Each person attending the workshop should bring flowers, green foliage and a container to create the themed arrangement.

The meeting starts at 11 a.m. with the program, followed by a sack lunch at noon, with refreshments and dessert (bring your own sandwich). The meeting will adjourn at 1:30 p.m.

This month’s program features Duncan McNeill, territory manager for Kellogg Supply Inc., distributors of Gardner Bloome Natural Organic Garden Soils.

Whether it’s a backyard garden retreat or a patio garden in the middle of the city, the use of natural and organic products can help grow the garden to its best potential. McNeill will discuss using fortified natural soil amendments to help break up clay soils and improve drainage. Amendments can improve physical soil structure and help balance pH when mixed with existing garden soil.

Founded in 1925 by H. Clay Kellogg, the company’s goal is to perfect organic soils, mulches, amendments, potting

soils and fertilizers. Samples of garden products will be given away.

Also at noon, the owners of the “Jewels on F Street” have been invited to attend the meeting to receive Certificates of Recognition for their use of plant material, design principles and maintenance of their front yards.

These landscapes were selected by club members Anne Van Zandt and Mary Lou Goodwin, both of whom are recognized by the National Garden Club as Landscape Design Consultants.

These “Garden Jewels” were recently selected from the front yards along the 39 blocks of F street in Eureka. These homes or businesses include those of Ritchie and Dianne Phillips, David and Josephine Tom, Dr. Brian and Nancy Craig, Carl and Kim Regalo, Duncan Consulting Co., Dr. Joanna Marcuz, Dottie Sweet, William Bachelor and Tom and Monta Genter.

Visitors are invited to attend the program and to participate in the flower arranging workshop.

The Eureka Sequoia Garden Club, founded in 1967, is a member of the California Garden Clubs Inc. and the Humboldt District, California Garden Clubs Inc.

Its goals are to create and promote interest in horticulture, gardening and floral and landscape design; to encourage and engage in civic beautification and the improvement of roadsides; to aid in protecting California’s native plants, wildlife and natural beauty; and to promote, and participate in, projects and programs that conserve natural resources.

For more information on the club, its activities and monthly programs, contact Goodwin at 442-1387.

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