[The garden of design firm head Douglas Riccardi’s home in Fort Greene. All photos via Kelly Campbell/Design Sponge.]
The carefully curated art and poster collection plus the lush, fruit-bearing garden (fresh figs, yum) at Douglas Riccardi’s Fort Greene house is envy-inducing enough. But the head of design firm Memo Productions also figured out a clever, subtle way to hide his cat’s litter box on the parlor floor without announcing it to the worldtucking it under the stairs with his washer/dryer, complete with a little door cut out of canvas that’s just Bruno’s size. Design Sponge has a photo tour of Riccardi’s quirky home, where you can check out how he enlivened a white-walled staircase with renderings of challenging cycling courses, crafted a stool out of wood picked up from Hamptons beaches, and more.
Click here to view the full photogallery.
· A Hidden Garden in the Middle of Brooklyn [Design Sponge]
· All Adventures in Interior Design posts [Curbed]
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