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Home and garden event calendar

Calendar of events relating to homes and gardens.

Orchid Meeting: Virginia Orchid Society meets for a talk, “Orchids of Western Australia” by Thomas Mirenda, 2 p.m. today at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 1800 Lakeside Ave. Free. (804) 746-4313.

Fine Arts Flowers: Exhibit of floral designs by more than 75 garden clubs paired with masterworks from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts collection opens with gala preview Wednesday, continues during museum hours through Oct. 28, and features lectures and other special events at the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard. Free; fees for special programming and events. Visit for detailed schedule and reservation info. (804) 340-1405.

Holly Society Meeting: Holly Society of America’s 65th annual meeting takes place Thursday-Saturday at Holiday Inn-West, 2000 Staples Mill Road. Speakers include Maymont’s Peggy Singlemann, Virginia Tech extension agent Sue Houck, the National Arboretum’s Mark Roh and others. Also scheduled are bus tours to Monticello, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Maymont and Sandy’s Plants. For schedule and reservation info, visit

Rain Gardens: Chesterfield County Office of Cooperative Extension offers a seminar on creating a rain garden, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturdayat Midlothian Library, 521 Coalfield Road. Free; to register, call (804) 751-4401.

Lewis Ginter Programs: Increase your gardening know-how with programs at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, 1800 Lakeside Ave.:

  • Tuesday-Nov. 6: Wedding Floral Design, 6:30-8:30 p.m. on five Tuesdays, $225-$280.
  • Saturday: Small Flowering Trees for Home Landscapes, 9 a.m.-noon, $30-$41.
  • Saturday and Nov. 3: Basic Botany for Gardeners, 9 a.m.-noon on two Saturdays, $60-$82.

Registration required for all programs (unless noted). To register or for course information, visit or call (804) 262-9887, ext. 322.

Herbal Wreath-Making Class: Construct a fresh wreath made with materials from Lavender Fields Herb Farm, 10:30 a.m.-noon Saturday, Nov. 3, Nov. 17, Nov. 23 or Nov. 24 at the farm, 11300 Winfrey Road, Glen Allen. $25 class, $20 lunch; advance registration and payment required. or (804) 262-7167.

Rose Society Meeting: Consult with rosarians on rose care and culture at a meeting of the Richmond Rose Society, 2 p.m. Oct. 28 at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, 2924 Brook Road.

Williamsburg Garden Tours: Guided, themed tours offer a glimpse into 18th- and 20th-century gardens in Colonial Williamsburg; included with admission; some require reservations. (800) HISTORY (447-8679).

  • Mondays through Nov. 12: “Tall Treasures,” look at notable trees, 9:30 a.m.
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays through Oct. 31: “Garden Tour at Bassett Hall,” tour of the 1930s-’40s era Rockefeller gardens, 2 p.m.
  • Thursday: “Meet the Gardener,” garden QA with volunteers, 10:30 a.m.

Pat Row

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