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Group offers garden design workshop

CAP: Gardeners Exchange member and floral designer Karen McDonald opened the 2013 Gardeners Exchange season with a “Winter Floral Arranging” workshop in February. Don’t miss the next program, “Shapes and Sizes: Designing for Impact and Interest,” on Saturday, March 16, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Hazen Memorial Public Library, located at 3 Keady Way in Shirley, MA. For more information, contact GE Co-Chair Dina Samfield, 978-448-9311, or Lela Rhodes, 978-425-0027.

SHIRLEY — The Gardeners Exchange invites the public to a presentation on “Shapes and Sizes: Designing for Impact and Interest,” on Saturday, March 16, at 10:30 a.m. at the Hazen Memorial Public Library, 3 Keady Way.

Shape and size contribute to the design and overall impact of a garden. With the addition of texture, the savvy garden designer can tap into a tempting trio of design elements for use in spring projects.

In this presentation by garden designer Cheryl Salatino, we will explore the elements of design and composition to provide a different perspective of garden design. The workshop will begin with some design fundamentals and move quickly into how shape, texture and size can be used to achieve powerful combinations.

Salatino is the principal designer and owner of Dancing Shadows Garden Design, a residential landscape design and services firm. She has been designing gardens across Massachusetts and as far away as Maine since 2002.

The Gardeners Exchange

is a community garden club with members from all around North Central Massachusetts. It meets monthly on weekends between February and October to visit members’ gardens, take field trips to other gardens and nurseries, participate in workshops, and gain expertise on a wide variety of horticultural topics.

The garden club acquired its name from its members’ exchanges of ideas, as well as plants. Its March 16 meeting will begin with its annual houseplant swap.

First-time attendees to meetings are not required to join, but membership is encouraged. Annual membership dues are $20 per individual or $30 per couple. Membership benefits include all events, spring and fall perennials, and discounts at many area nurseries and garden centers.

For information, visit or contact GE Co-Chair Dina Samfield at 978-448-9311, or Lela Rhodes at 978-425-0027.

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