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Glen Ellyn landscape designer provides vegetable gardens to families in need

What do you hope to accomplish through GardenWorks?
Through this project, I hope to eliminate hunger, one garden at a time. Even though we live in an affluent area, many people still go to bed hungry, and many of them are children. Food pantries often have a difficult time obtaining and storing produce, so growing food at home makes fresh, organic produce available to families who can’t normally afford it. I want to help families will grow their own healthy, organic vegetables where they live in ways that are affordable, promote self-reliance, strengthen communities, and protect our natural resources. Anyone who is interested in contributing to or volunteering for the GardenWorks project can visit for more information.

About Tina Koral
Residence: Glen Ellyn
Family: Husband, Joe; children, Averie and Joey
Education: Bachelor’s degree in nutrition and master’s degree in public health from Benedictine University; certificates in landscape design and construction and sustainable landscapes from College of DuPage
Notable: Founded GardenWorks, a project that provides needy families the opportunity to grow their own food

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