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Gardening tips: Local authors says insects are good for garden ecosystem

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With the snow finally receding and the mud drying out, gardeners rejoice! To see the crust of the earth give way to new plant life is all the sweeter this year after a record making winter.

At 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, authors and gardeners Reeser Manley and Marjorie Peronto will conduct a PowerPoint presentation focused on the major themes of their book “The New England Gardener’s Year” (Tilbury House), including the important role of insects in the garden ecosystem.

Gardening success depends on insects, including pollinators and the many kinds of insect predators that keep the herbivores (plant munchers) under control. Of course, to keep the beneficial insects around, the garden must also have a constant population of herbivores for the beneficials to eat.

This presentation will show viewers how they can attract the pollinators and beneficial insects. It will also point out that caterpillars, the larvae of butterflies and moths, are what bird food looks like.

After the presentation, Reeser and Marjorie will introduce their book, “The New England Gardener’s Year,” followed by a book signing for those interested in purchasing their book.


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