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Garden Q&A: Mark your calendar for Gardening for Food and Fun

Question: I noticed that this time of year the flower, plant and gardening shows are out in full force. I have heard of our local Gardening for Food and Fun, but have not had the chance to attend. What is it all about? — C.F. Rockford

Answer: There are a number of different flower, plant and gardening shows close to home and in Chicagoland this time of year. They have good timing too, as they arrive just when we need a burst of greenery and a reminder of the season to come.

Gardening for Food and Fun is always the first Saturday in March. It is a day-long event organized by the University of Illinois Extension and a committee of master gardeners. This year there were 15 different sessions ranging from make-and-take workshops like the terrarium workshop to proper pruning techniques to advanced vegetable growing. There were definitely offerings for gardeners of all types and abilities.

The keynote address was given by Greg Mueller. He is vice president of science and academic programs for the Chicago Botanic Garden. Mueller’s talk centered around the Chicago Botanic Garden’s motto, “Save the Plants; Save the Planet.” He discussed the importance of plant diversity, eliminating invasives, and getting outside to notice the flora around you. He also provided several citizen science programs for the general public. A website where you can sign up to track leaf break, first flower and color changes you notice in your own yard is

The Chicago Botanic Garden has a Plants of Concern Program you can access from its website to follow up on volunteer opportunities. Lastly, the Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership is another way you and your family can get involved. It sponsors the Annual Garlic Mustard Pull (Garlic mustard is a very invasive plant in our area.) Last year this partnership pulled the most garlic mustard at 66,183 pounds.

I attended three workshops that day. Master Gardener Connie Austin presented Beyond Petunias and Ivy, an advanced container gardening workshop. She shared several tips, tricks and ideas for “stepping out of the box” in designing containers. Several of those tips included planting trailing plants at a 45 degree angle to assist in trailing, being creative in the types of things you use for containers, and using calcium tablets and epsom salts to treat blossom end rot.

Kay Hyson, a master gardener and garden designer doing business as Shady Lady Garden Design, presented a workshop on landscaping dos and don’ts. Her biggest “dos” were using mulch around your plantings (the more natural mulch the better,) prune your trees and bushes correctly (no shearing,) and plant the right plant in the right place (size, spacing, and light.)

Lastly, master gardener Beth Edwards described the latest and greatest annuals and perennials for the coming season. Many of these plants no longer need dead-heading and are resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew. I am excited about the new Supertunias, Superbells (calibrachoa) and sweet potato vines. If you like to garden or would like to learn more about gardening, block off the first Saturday in March 2014 and join us.

For more information, call master gardeners at the Extension office weekdays at 815-986-4357.

— Jennifer Derricks, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardener, Winnebago County

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