Regional Garden Clubs met for a daylong meeting on October 18 at Southern Ohio Medical Center’s Friends’ Center. A seasonal flower show, an out-of-town designer, and members wearing costumes add up to a “Halloween Party”, hosted by Portsmouth and Green Triangle Garden Clubs. Members from all regional clubs, including gardeners from Scioto, Pike, Adams, and Lawrence attended, many were unrecognizable in very unique costumes. On a rainy fall day, there was good fellowship, artistic floral designs, good food, and creative costumes.
A short business meeting was conducted by Regional Director, Sue Thomas of the Waverly Garden Club, as she acknowledged guests from the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, including Geri Rea, 2nd Vice President and Stephanie Patrick, OAGC Counselor. The flower show engineered by Irmalee Gampp and Carolyn Wilcox of the Minford Garden Club, filled half of the meeting room with beautifully arranged floral displays. Winning blue ribbons were: Wilcox, Jean Moore of Willow Garden Club, Sherrill Day and Eva Worlery of Green Triangle Garden Club, Diane Reese of Slocum Garden Club and in the Junior Division, Ella Gullett, Portsmouth Jr. Garden Club. Wilcox also received Best of Show honors and the Design of Distinction was given to Diane Reese. After a pleasant lunch break, the afternoon session featured a Study of Holiday Floral Designs, with guest designer, Naomi Ormes. Ormes is the State Design Chair of the Ohio Association of Garden Club. She demonstrated several types of fresh, floral arrangements, all with a fall theme.
A panel of judges chose three winning costumes, after a modeling review. The costume style show was narrated by Alison Barrett and the winners were: Bev Norman, Linda Warfield, and Melody Pontious. The afternoon ended with a raffle and door prizes.
Portsmouth Garden Club
The September meeting of the Portsmouth Garden Club was held at Gatti’s with Donna Chabot, President in charge of the meeting. It was announced that area clubs will be decorating at Shawnee Lodge for the Christmas holidays, but the work days will begin on Tuesday, December 13th . and extend to the 14th. Chabot announced that the club has been asked to participate in Portsmouth’s 200 Birthday celebration in 2015. New club officers for 2012-13 were installed.
?The horticulture report was given by Linda Warfield and dealt with a recently identified virus that is killing roses, the rosette disease. It has transferred from the multi-flora (wild) roses to many ornamental roses. The disease is transmitted by a tiny mite. The mite travels on the air currents from plant to plant. There is no effective means of control, except to destroy the affected plant, therefore early detection is key.
The horticulture specimen, a German Chamomile presented by Brenda Wooten received the blue ribbon.
In October the club traveled to the Stockdale area for a meeting, featuring water gardening. This outstanding, water-garden belongs to Ken and Lanita Babst, who also have a collection of beautiful tropical fish. The water-gardens consist of four separate ponds, located below a large crystal lake. Water moves from pond to pond through a series of fountains, and rock spillways, producing a lovely trickling sound. Each pond is uniquely planted with an abundance of water plants, in addition to the colorful fish, the Babsts have added a gazebo overlooking the entire pond areas.
During the short business meeting, Donna Chabot received the special reports.
Green Triangle Garden Club
Green Triangle Garden Club met at Cornerstone UMC for the October meeting, which was chaired by President Sherrill Day. Day received the business reports and detailed assignments for the Fall OAGC Regional Meeting, where the club will serve as host.
Day provided the program, which was a design workshop featuring the construction of a floral arrangement in two vases. The vases do not need to be identical, but must be arranged as to mirror one another, with a connector. The connector may be plant material, or something relate to the design. The goal is the mirror effect.
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