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Garden Club Celebrates Holidays with Design Program

Rock Spring Garden Club Celebration

Rock Spring Garden Club Celebration

The Rock Spring Garden Club’s holiday design event featured creative works like this one by club member Sheila Moore. (Photo by Mary Cottrell)

Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:15 am

Updated: 8:15 am, Tue Nov 27, 2012.

Garden Club Celebrates Holidays with Design Program


The Rock Spring Garden Club recently held its third annual Holiday Design Event, attracting a sold-out crowd of more than 200 to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) conference center.

The event highlighted floral-design techniques for the holidays, using local greens, branches, berries and flowers from area sources to create extraordinary designs.

“The emphasis this year was on nature’s gifts for the holidays,” said Garden Club member Dorinda Burroughs, who initiated the event several years ago to raise funds for the club’s community-outreach programs.

Containers and vessels of multiple shapes and sizes were used to demonstrate versatility and flexibility, and guest designer Adrienne Summers showed how to create simple, elegant designs from ordinary flowers. Works by Summers and club member Sheila Moore were auctioned off, and pumpkin arrangements by club members also were sold.

Funds raised through the event will be used in support of the club’s support for Rock Spring Park, its Garden of the Year program and education programs.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:15 am.

Updated: 8:15 am.

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