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Covington Garden Club plans to ‘Plant, Grow, Design and Share’: Northshore …

“Plant, Grow, Design and Share” were thematically targeted by the Covington Garden Club for the 2013-2014 season. President Rebecca Weems extended a special welcome to new members at the meeting which was held at Christ Church Parish House on Sept. 5.

Connie Moore gave horticulture hints on readying a garden for fall, and Suzie Roux spoke about Blue Jays, the first responders in the bird world to alert others to danger.

Darla Boudreaux described her floral arrangement in the Creative Line Design category.

Following the meeting, all enjoyed a delicious spread of food prepared by Chairwoman Carolyn Pearce and hostess committee members Clara Marion, Mary Broussard, Beth Drown, Barbara Henry, Evelyn Talley and Lorraine Pendleton.

In addition to Weems, officers are Betty Plummer, first vice president; Darla Boudreaux, second vice president; Lynn Di Vincent, recording secretary; Marianne Boyer, corresponding secretary; Kyle Martin, treasurer; Donna Moran, parliamentarian, and Carolyn Pearce, membership.

The Covington Garden Club meets on the first Thursday of each month. For more information, call Carolyn Pearce at 892.0259.

News about west St. Tammany social events may be provided to Elizabeth Moore at; 985.893.0612; or by mail to 20490 Johnsen Crossing, Covington, LA 70435.





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