If you live in Miami or similar semi-tropical regions, you can expect a high quality, 100-percent acrylic exterior house paint to last an average of five to fifteen years on siding, according to an article in the Miami Herald. If you are looking to paint your siding, you need to take weather, quality of product, and the number of coats you use into consideration to calculate for the longest possible life of the paint job. For example, one side of your home may be exposed to more sun, so may need an extra coat of paint.
Whether you are hiring a Miami painter (or a painter in any other semi-tropical region) or doing the work yourself, preparation of the siding is important according to the article. For example, the article states that paint should always be applied “over a sealant to ensure proper adhesion,” and that two coats of paint at a minimum should be used, even if you are painting the siding the same color. It’s also a good idea to wash the siding periodically to keep dirt and other contaminants from building up and breaking down the paint.