14 February 2013
Designers Turn Dreams Into Reality For
Dreams have started to become reality
today when dozens of designers begin the process of creating
their exhibition gardens for the Ellerslie International
Flower Show.
After months of planning the designers can
finally begin constructing their gardens on-site in North
Hagley Park in preparation for their judging on Monday, 4
March and for their public unveiling on Wednesday, March
While the professionals move in today, the aspiring
professionals have to wait until Saturday until they can get
started on their entries in the show. That is when those
competing in the Emerging Designs – Student of the Year
competition can start putting their creations
For Wellington landscape design student Bayley
LuuTomes the start of Ellerslie cannot come soon enough. He
is excited about participating in the prestigious show and
having the chance to compete for gold.
“It has been an
amazing journey to date with so many wonderful people in
this industry. I can’t wait to get there,” he
For a group of enthusiastic amateurs from Raumati
School in Kapiti, March 2 is D-day. That is when they will
arrive at North Hagley Park to begin work on their
exhibition garden – the first ever by a school.
goes without saying that we are all extremely excited to be
coming down and taking part in the Ellerslie International
Flower Show,” says their teacher Diane
Preparations for the opening of the Ellerslie show
are well underway. Fifteen large marquees are being erected
on site, which along with Hagley Park’s two large geodesic
event domes, will create a garden village
There are a total of 73 horticultural exhibits
this year including 26 outdoor gardens. Putting the show
together is a team of 50 full-time and contract staff
assisted by around 200 local volunteers.
International Flower Show Managing Director Dave Mee says up
to 200 people will be on site during the next week with
numbers building to 1000 in the days leading up to the
show’s public opening.
“This year’s show is all
about flowers and it has a new edible component too. With
more than 200 exhibits in total and a quarter of a million
flowers, there will be plenty to see and do during the
five-day show,” he says.
The Ellerslie
International Flower Show is on in North Hagley Park from
March 6 to 10.
Tickets are available from the website
www.ellerslieflowershow.co.nz, all open Christchurch City
Council Service Centres, Mitre 10 Mega Stores in
Christchurch, Ashburton and Timaru, Terra Viva, EziBuy
Christchurch and Nichols Garden