Homegrown Cookbook Author and Award Winning Garden Designer Leeann Lavin to Speak about Kitchen Garden Design, April 17
ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, NJ – Atlantic Highlands resident and award-winning garden designer Leeann Lavin is passionate about food and about gardening, so it’s no surprise that she has her own kitchen garden.
On Wednesday, April 17 at 7:30 pm, she will share her insights on kitchen gardening at the shore, and on cooking with locally grown herbs, fruits and vegetables.
Leeann’s talk opens the Atlantic Highlands Historical Society’s 2013 Speaker Series. This year’s talks will be at the Strauss Mansion, 27 Prospect Circle in Atlantic Highlands. All talks are free and open to the public, and refreshments are served.
Leeann is the author of “The Hamptons and Long Island Homegrown Cookbook,” a beautifully illustrated collection of recipes and stories from popular chefs who create seasonal, market-driven menus inspired by locally farmed, fished and artisanally-crafted ingredients. She is also the author of two gardening blogs. “Master Chefs and their Gardens” is the story of the making of her cookbook, and offers regular reviews and commentary on art and food events, cookbook reviews, greenmarkets and growers and more. “Garden Glamour” talks about gardening best practices, gardens and garden stories, sustainability, book reviews, home improvement and DIY, and horticulture or garden events.
Leeann writes a food and drink column for Examiner.com, has worked in restaurants and catering, and cooks with passion, creating recipes using locally grown ingredients. With experience at both the New York Botanical Garden and Brooklyn Botanical Garden, she is now a garden specialist and principal of Duchess Designs LLC, where she designs artful, sustainable gardens that tell stories and are beguiling in every season.
Leeann Lavin will sign copies of “The Hamptons and Long Island Homegrown Cookbook” following her talk on April 17. She will donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of cookbooks to with the Atlantic Highlands Historical Society.
The Atlantic Highlands Historical Society is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization created to preserve and share the history of Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. The Historical Society is working to preserve and restore the Strauss Mansion, the only Queen Ann style mansion open to the public in Monmouth County.