Arabella has a strong attachment to her gardens and emphasises the importance
of a strong relationship with her clients. Her friendship with this client
is fascinating – they have very different lives but the garden has been the
common thread that has kept the relationship going.
Her first Chelsea Flower Show garden was in 1979, for Harpers Queen with
Michael Balston (for Willie Landels). It was beautiful; it had two Indian
tents and Moghul beehives with the design based around an Indian carpet.
Being Chelsea virgins, they committed the heinous crime of leaving some
plastic pots exposed “and the planting really was not good”, Arabella says.
But Russell Page, the landscape architect, commented, “I don’t often
compliment other designers, but I like this garden.” They won a silver gilt.
Her next Chelsea outing was in 1990, for The Daily Telegraph. The then
editor Max Hastings approached her saying, “Do what you want, I trust you.”
She won gold and has since won five more.
Arabella started working on her 12-acre garden at Gresgarth Hall, in
Lancashire, in 1978. It is, she says, her most important garden as it has
taught her so much. She married Mark, her second husband, in 1974 and they
moved there as he was MP for Morecambe and Lonsdale. At first sight,
Arabella was not enamoured with it. In Italy she had grown up on a hill
looking down on huge vistas and the staggering Italian landscape. Here, the
house was set in the bottom of a valley surrounded by heavy woodland. Mark’s
father referred to it as Wuthering Heights.
While carrying on with her design practice, Arabella set about clearing trees
to expose the undulating sides of the valley, beautifully shaped by natural
landslides many years ago. They enlarged a lake to create a larger mass of
water which bounces light into the site and creates a calm, romantic edge to
the formal steep-terraced part of the garden by the house. Octagons perch on
the edge of the terraces, creating elevated but intimate places to sit
overlooking the dramatic valley.
Walking around her garden, it was, for me, reminiscent of Chelsea press day,
buzzing with fascinated gardeners (it is open to the public 10 days a year)
admiring her trademark herbaceous borders backed by superb yew hedges. The
strong herbaceous players in her immaculate borders now are groups of her
favourite phlox, such as Phlox paniculata ‘Monica Lynden-Bell’, P.
‘Mount Fuji’ (white), P. carolina ‘Miss Linguard’ (white) and
Aconitum x cammarum ‘Bicolor’ with its violet blue and white flowers.
Arabella likes her borders to be two-to-four metres deep, to get a good depth
and mix of plants for colour and drama. These borders started off looking
good in early June with nepeta, geraniums and alliums, but they keep their
momentum going well into early autumn.
There is also a stunning walled vegetable garden and Arabella is planting a
large arboretum. A nursery area and greenhouse are home to plants grown from
seeds she has collected on expeditions to remote parts of the world.
Being a great garden designer requires many skills, not only design and
horticulture, but management and organisational skills. Arabella is
continually checking, scrutinising, adapting. But she still gets a frisson
when a new challenge arrives on her drawing board.
For more information visit Arabella
Gardens’ by Arabella Lennox-Boyd (Frances Lincoln, RRP £25) is
available to order from Telegraph
Books (0844 871 1514) at £23 + £1.35pp.