Fernando Caruncho.
Fernando Caruncho, Spain’s inimitable garden designer, has agreed to come to Vancouver next year to give a free lecture arranged by the University of B.C.’s Continuing Studies department.
The talk will be the fourth in a series featuring internationally recognized garden designers. The first lecture was given in 2011 by Luciano Giubbilei followed the next year by Andrea Cochran and earlier this month by Dan Pearson.
Tickets will become available about a month before the lecture in November. For more information of the series go here to UBC Continuing Studies.
Caruncho is probably most famous for his “Wheat Parterre” — the Mas de les Voltes garden he did in Castel del Ampurdan in Catalonia in 1997.
Wheat Garden by Fernando Caruncho.
This unique 25-acre garden consists of rectangular parterres planted entirely of wheat and punctuated with olive trees and Mediterranean columnar cypresses.
The design was partly inspired by geometric patterns in ceiling squares in a painting by Early Renaissance Italian artist Piero della Francesca.
Part of what makes Caruncho so fascinating is his passion about the connection between philosophy, art and garden-making. His fascination with classicism is evident in all his works.
A lot of his garden ideas are shaped by his understanding of pre-Socratic Greek philosophy and his belief that the origin of the garden has deep spiritual roots.
Garden by Caruncho
Gardens are at their best, he says, when they are places where we can reconnect with our lost innocence and experience a deeper sense of our place in the universe.
For inspiration, he looks to the Alhambra in Granada, Boboli Gardens in Florence, Vaux-le-Vicomte, near Paris and Ryoan-ji near Kyoto in Japan.
At 21, he designed a small Japanese-inspired garden for his uncle, who was living on the outskirts of Madrid in a house designed by the Viennese modernist architect Richard Neutra. The garden got rave reviews and ignited Caruncho’s career.
Since then, he has designed gardens for the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo, Clinica Teknon in Barcelona, University of Deusto in Bilbao and a section of Madrid’s botanical garden.
He has done numerous private gardens in Spain and, more recently, in France and the United States.
Grids are the underlying element in all his gardens. One of his first projects involved placing cypress trees in a cross pattern in the middle of a garden.
He believes geometry is “man’s first language” and making a grid is “like throwing a net into a space to help understand it.”
Caruncho only uses flowers to add flashes of colour. He regards them as fleeting entertainment, never to be over-used to create dominant structure.