Prudential Global Volunteer Day at Hillside School in Montclair
BY Georgette Gilmore | Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 5:00pm |
A call out to all members of the community large and small! Go out and help get Hillside School’s outdoor classroom be ready for planting and help plant bulbs and shrubs this Saturday, October 5, at its Prudential Global Volunteer Day.
Last year Hillside school held a plant sale sponsored by the Montclair Garden Club to raise funds for the garden and landscaping. Combined with grant money from the District Initiative Gardens (DIGS) program, the school a great start. Prudential gives grant money for schools who meet their criteria and having enough volunteers is part of this process.
Hooly Korus is the Hillside Garden/Grounds chair. She explains:
Our goal is to refurbish garden beds created years ago by parents. Sadly the beds have not been maintained and have become wild as well as overgrown. The goal is to create a sustainable fenced in outdoor classroom where the children can learn and experience everything from planting, understanding compost, measuring volume, community giving, etymology and kitchen science. Our biggest challenge is move the beds around, remove struggling plants and create a space that can be sustainable for years to come. We are staying away from plants that are in their prime from July-August when the school is empty. Swapping squash for tomatoes and lilyturf for lilies.
This project has been a labor of love and I have had a wonderful dedicated group of volunteers who have given their time and their muscle countless hours this past spring and this fall. I have also had great support from both the Hillside staff, PTA as well as Building and Grounds.
Last year, more than 28,000 people participated in 750 Global Volunteer Day projects in the United States and 10 other countries where Prudential has a business presence. Check out the slideshow from last year’s Hillside School Prudential Global Volunteer Day.
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