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Somerset care home residents help design gardens

Gardens at Elliscombe HouseThe gardens at Elliscombe House recently had paths added to make them accessible to residents

Elderly residents at a care home in Somerset are helping to redesign its undeveloped seven-acre gardens.

The Aurora Care Group, which owns Elliscombe House in Wincanton, introduced the initiative to allow its residents to have a say in how the gardens are developed.

An outdoor cafe, sensory garden and pond are some ideas being considered.

A fund-raising campaign has been launched to help raise about £15,000 needed to make the improvements.

An Aurora Care spokesman said the initiative is “a means to turn the gardens for the residents of Elliscombe House into a reality”.

“The garden project is a prime priority to us, giving residents access to the outdoor facilities of the home in a way that has never previously been possible,” he said.

A fund-raising event is taking place over the weekend, showcasing creative works by residents and staff at Elliscombe House.

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