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Nicky Haslam’s garden designs: bringing the inside out

The garden in Chelsea

Nicky has a hybrid conservatory/greenhouse where he grows bulbs, masses of
geraniums, echeverias and other pot fillers, which he plunges into
containers of all shapes and sizes and carts all over the place, a musical
chairs-like arrangement, so that he can appreciate the plants to the full.

Creating a space that flows out fluidly from the house for eating,
entertaining and just enjoying is carried out with verve. Nicky firmly
believes “that food tastes better outside, and it’s even truer with
flickering flames” – no outdoor heaters here – “just
piles of rugs and old Barbours”.

His garden furniture is often an eclectic mix, a variation of styles that are “much
prettier and more relaxed than if they are all matching”. If he is
ordering furniture, he almost invariably specifies Brown Jordan
( from California. Otherwise, his terrace will be decorated
with small, Gothic tables, the equivalent of those you might put by a sofa,
but they show off a small planted tub (bringing it nearer eye level) instead
of a lamp. The tables, tubs and other huge planters may well be painted in a
trademark coordinating colour. In his own home, he has used a smoky
blue-grey. This adds subtle colour in our dull winter light, without being
so bright as to make everything beside it look deathly dull. In summer, it
is fabulous with our lush greens, powerful but understated. The fabrics come
outside too; he designed “Melba”, which is a bold green stripe
splattered with the occasional pink magnolia flower. At The Hunting Lodge,
he has made cushions covered in this to fit his Gothic metal benches. He has
a definite “thing” for green and white stripes; he makes up
awnings in this, maybe to go over some windows, or a larger one over a

His garden designs often include eye-catchers, which may be a “stone”
obelisk in the distance – often in reality just timber, cut and painted, but
it definitely fools the eye. Gates and mini pavilions are used to add style,
function and interest. He will design them with the architecture of the
house in mind, perhaps picking up an iconic detail, curve or feel. On his
own house, a blank, rather boring wall was lifted with a simple false door.
The frame around it is on the lines of an ogee arch, with trellis framing it
and a step leading up. All the detailing makes it convincing.

As to planting, as you would expect, Nicky has his definite favourites.
Anything pink and blowsy is welcome, such as peonies, roses and stocks.
Anything that looks like it might work on chintz is welcome. He picks up
tricks from fellow designers and was impressed by Nancy Lancaster’s idea of
putting plant pots full of colour raised up on wire stands to add height and
interest in a border. He has a more laid-back approach, too. A sweep of
bracken lined a walkway; he has slashed the bracken back (every two weeks
initially to eradicate it) and discovered masses of wild orchids have come
up instead, which have been much encouraged. Structure is important, and low
box hedges outline a strong pattern work of beds, keeping all incumbents on
the straight, if not narrow.

Video: Nicky Haslam’s sumptuous garden

de Grandeur’
by Nicky Haslam (Jacqui Small,
£40) is available to order from Telegraph
(0844 871 1514) at £36 + £1.35 pp.

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