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Physicians of Myddfai inspire debut artisan garden at Chelsea Flower Show

For the first time the National  Botanic Garden of Wales is  entering a garden in the  prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower  Show. More than 4,000 plants are being  grown for the Get Well Soon artisan garden designed by Kati Crome and Maggie Hughes  which will go on display when the show opens  on May 21.

When the designers – previous 2011 gold  medal winners at Chelsea –  approached the National Botanic Garden in the Towy Valley asking if they could design a debut garden,  director Rosie Plummer thought it was too  good  an opportunity  to pass up.

Their entry, the Get Well Soon Garden,  draws inspiration from the healing properties of plants and Wales’ own famous 12th century  herbalists, the Physicians of Myddfai, who  are honoured at the National Botanic Garden.

The design is one of eight artisan gardens at the show, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.

Get Well Soon features a reflexology path, a  seat carved from a long-dead elm tree at the  National Botanic Garden, a  water feature and 2,500 plants, all with healing properties.

There will also be two trees, a willow  already on site at Chelsea and a Euonymus europaeus which will be delivered in a vast  pot.

The Get Well Soon garden design
The Get Well Soon garden design


To ensure the 2,500 plants are at their best  for the show, Kati and Maggie have spent the  last few months growing double that amount  as around half won’t make it or peak in time.

And it’s been a family affair, says Kati.

“We have approximately 96 different plant  species that we have sourced from around 17  different nurseries with a total of just under  2,800 plants. About half the plants are  currently in our two gardens. We have no  greenhouses and have small gardens – so our  husbands are not particularly pleased with us!

“I’ve got a tiny cold frame that I’m keeping  a few of the plants in and have been fleecing  the rest every night. I also find myself moving  them round the garden following the sun on  those rare days that it decides to appear.”

Kati and Maggie live in the south of England  but have ties to Wales as Maggie’s husband  Simon is from Swansea and they’re regular  visitors to the national  garden. They also  designed a gold medal-winning artisan garden  for Chelsea in 2011 called Postcard From  Wales inspired by Welsh cottage gardens.

With Chelsea’s 100th anniversary show fast  approaching, Kati and Maggie are now busy  making final arrangements for this year.

They’ll move onto the Chelsea  show site 10  days before opening to assemble the 7m x 5m  garden which also includes wooden post  sculptures,  stonewalls and shelves.

Kidwelly building firm Ron Pocock will join  them on site to build the walls and carry out  heavy landscaping while Kati and Maggie are  charged with planting.

“It’s taken about a year to get ready,” adds  Maggie. You have to submit drawings in  September so a year ago  our thoughts were  on what plants are out at this time of year.

“Medicinal plants are very interesting  because they form the basis of so much  modern medicine. The garden represents all  areas from hi-tech, where tiny extracts are  used to make medicine, to things like fennel  for soothing tea.”

The last few months have been busy and  the cold winter and spring have caused a few  headaches, she admits. “Plants can be quite naughty and we’ve had a cold spring.

“We have had irises grown at Sissinghurst, some in friends’ greenhouses and in our own gardens.”

Although none of the plants are being  grown at the national garden itself, vital parts  of the design will come from around Wales.

Four wooden posts are waiting  in  Pembroke Dock to be made into  plant labels,  a bust of Hippocrates has been made in  Swansea and Dai Edwards from Pontypridd  has cut a section of a dead yew tree from the  national garden to make  a seat while stone  from a Swansea quarry will also be  used.

When the show finishes the  £22,000  garden,  sponsored by Penn Pharma,  South West Wales Tourism Partnership  and Growing The Future will come  back to Wales to Penn Pharma’s  Tredegar headquarters.

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The vast majority of modern medicines we  use today started with biochemical  compounds that have their origin in plants,  even  if  they are now synthesised.  Here are  some of the common  plants important in  medicine.


The daffodil has a  poisonous bulb and  shares the compound  galanthamine with  snowdrops. This  compound is  useful in treating Alzheimer’s  disease.


Despite being extremely  toxic, the foxglove  contains digitoxin, a  compound of which is an  important heart medicine.


Salicylic acid derived from  willow bark was used to  create the first aspirin in  the 19th century. The  father of modern  medicine, Hippocrates, who lived sometime  between 460 BC and 377 BC left records of  pain relief treatments, including the use of  powder made from the bark and leaves of  the willow tree to help heal headaches,  pains and fevers.


A herb which is most  commonly used for  insomnia, valerian can  also be used for muscle  and joint pain and as a  relief from menstrual  cramps.



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