There are few things more frustrating than spending hours cultivating a top-notch garden only to have it taken apart by garden pests.
Stop the pests now. Here are some tips from the National Gardening Association.
Bacillus thuringiensis sprayed on the underside of leaves takes care of small caterpillars. Hand-pick big caterpillars and toss them aside or squash them between bricks.
Spraying leaves briskly with water takes care of most aphids. If this doesn’t work, insecticidal soap or horticultural oil will. Be sure to get the undersides of leaves. Be careful not to overdo it and kill the parasites and predators that feed on aphids.
These pests have been known to destroy acres of crops. That’s why baiting them and killing with Nosema locustae shouldn’t make you feel bad. A more effective method involves covering plants with fabric row covers.
Chipmunks and squirrels
Take a varied approach to ridding yourself of these rodents. Trapping especially pesky ones will control very small populations. Chances are, however, that there are plenty more chipmunks where those trapped ones came from. Possible solutions include animal repellents such as cayenne pepper mix, predator urine, mothballs and commercial formulas on or around plants.
Playing “Bambi” on a constant loop does not work. Surrounding deer-friendly plants with succulent plants, poisonous plants, pungent-flavored plants, and plants with hairy or furry leaves will keep them from getting the good stuff.
Mice and rats
The most effective method is to create a mouse-unfriendly environment. Clean up the area. Block mouse access. Keep garbage cans secure. Clean pet dishes. Avoid fluffy mulches until late in the season. Mouse traps remain the most effective way to control these garden thieves.
It’s easier to prevent their arrival by cleaning up the garden at the end of the season and controlling weeds. Normal insecticides will take care of most stinkbugs. If you prefer not to use insecticides, get up early and pick them off leaves in the morning when they’re slowest.
Moles are best controlled by trapping. Other methods include placing moth balls, human hair, ultrasonic noise emitters or predator urine in their tunnels.
Snails and slugs
Remove natural hiding places from the garden to prevent their proliferation. Hand-pick and destroy them upon discovery. Hidden, shallow containers of beer will eliminate them as well.
Once the gopher tunnel is built, you have gardening problems. The best method is to eliminate gophers at first sight. Once the gophers have arrived, you can try putting substances in the tunnels, such as used kitty litter or rags soaked in predator urine or pine oil. The most effective control is trapping.
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