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Plan garden design using pictures

Have fun during the winter months by planning spring and summer gardens on paper. Scrapbooking is a popular indoor sport. Numerous catalogs and garden magazines have been piling up on the floor beside my desk. Garden photographs fill my computer scrapbook. Why not use photographs along with catalog and magazine pictures to design a new bed or to improve an existing garden?

A fourteen-year-old highly visible garden near our house is in need of a face-lift. It’s tempting to remove everything except the shrub rose and start over using a few of the existing plants and adding new perennials.

Armed with scissors, tape, and printer paper, I attacked the project with determination to plan a garden worthy of a dedicated gardener; however, this type of garden project is an excellent way for a novice gardener to plan a garden without spending money. Mistakes made on paper are easily remedied.

For a new garden, decide on the location. Will it be free-standing or against a fence or house? For one that is free-standing, the tallest plants are located in the center; for one against a fence, taller plants are in the back.

Allow ample room for mature growth. Determine spacing by dividing the mature width by two. A six-foot wide evergreen shrub would be planted four feet from a structure. Why four feet instead of three? The extra foot allows room for the gardener to move between the shrub and the structure for maintenance. For smaller plants such as hostas and impatiens, divide width by two. A 24-inch mature hosta would be planted 21 inches away from an 18-inch mature hosta. 24 plus 18 divided by two equals 21. Some overlapping is desirable.

Colorful clippings help the gardener decide which colors will either enhance or dominate the garden. If adding perennials to a shade garden, white and lighter tones will draw attention to the garden during twilight hours. Shade-loving ferns add texture as well as color to hostas, bleeding hearts, and astilbes. These additions would be particularly desirable near a patio or deck where the family and guests can enjoy the garden’s beauty.

Brighter colors tend to be sun-loving plants. An aging garden might be revived by one or more of the bright colored coneflowers. As most plants have green leaves, look for colorful foliage to add variety. Deer-resistant and hummingbird-loving heuchera (coral bells) offer several seasons of beauty with foliage that varies from dark chocolate to purple to lime green.

As clippings and photographs are added to the paper, on a separate pad make a list of plants and cost. If the expense is too much for one year, divide the garden into a three-year project. Ornamental trees and scrubs should be planted first as they take longer to reach maturity. Smaller perennials such as heuchera mature in three years.

Store your artwork for a few days and then reexamine your masterpiece. Make changes or add a few plants. Remember that wishful thinking is just wishful thinking but it will make garden choices easier in the spring.

Garden dos the next two week:

Use catalogs and magazines to design a new garden.

Check out the garden tools and supplies in local garden centers.

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