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What will the top gardening trends be in 2013?

Stephen Lacey, meanwhile, is holding out for a change of focus. “I
would like to see a rediscovery of shrubs,” he says. “They have been booted
into the shadows by the grasses and perennial movement and are now well
overdue a revival.”

Sarah Raven agrees. “I’m only interested in three ways of gardening:
productive, pollinator-friendly and trees (for their long time-scale in
contrast to the annuals I usually grow). I want to plant more flowering
shrubs and trees, low-maintenance elegant stuff that will give my garden
good bones to develop and mature around.”

However, Matthew Appleby says that instant gardening will still be a
huge attraction: “Look out for so-called tree lilies,” he says. “They reach
six feet plus by the end of summer and are great for cutting. For patios,
try Crazytunia Mandevilla, which are mounded, weatherproof petunias in new
colours.” (Both from Thompson Morgan.)


Poor harvests in 2012 prompted doom and gloom about young allotmenteers giving
up their plots; supermarkets took to stocking “ugly veg” (ie slightly
imperfect) to make up the shortfall in crops. But while fingers remain
crossed for a return to prosperity, many expect the grow-your-own movement
to carry on regardless.

“The turn towards self-sufficiency will continue, with more people relying on
their gardens for a supply of fresh food,” says Jean Vernon.
“Gardeners will be composting, recycling and making-do. At the very least,
they will grow their own herbs and salads.”

Stephen Lacey thinks the trend goes beyond austerity-driven scrimpers
and savers.

“Designer friends tell me that even super-rich non-gardeners are asking for
their gardens to include somewhere they can go foraging for a few edible
leaves and berries. Not a proper vegetable or fruit garden, with all the
attendant work and space required, but simply an odd blackberry or raspberry
cane, or patch of rocket.”

Mark Diacono, at the forefront of the home-grown movement, is looking
forward to 2013.

“I am excited about a resurgence in edible hedges,” he says. “People are
planting more hedges, and are also growing some of what they eat, so they
want something delicious from their boundary as well as shelter.

“I’ve been asked to design and supply edible hedges, not only traditional
blackthorn, elder and hawthorn, but other delicious edibles such as autumn
olive, Japanese wineberry, Akebia quinata, blackberries, Rosa rugosa, and
white filberts alongside.”


An increase in wildlife-aware gardening, particularly for insects, is set to
continue. According to the National Trust, 2012 was a difficult year: slugs
and snails relished the wet weather, but bees, hedgehogs and hoverflies

Ken Thompson agrees, but thinks the planting-for-wildlife focus will
shift slightly. “I expect the first results from the RHS Plants for Bugs
project to knock on the head the idea that native plants are always best for
wildlife,” he says. “And if more people realise that paving over their front
garden (and half the back), isn’t always a good idea, then last year’s
floods won’t have been entirely a bad thing.

“And it would be nice if I could get through 2013 without a single gardener
telling me they don’t have room for a compost heap.”

Anne Wareham, on the other hand, warns that gardeners may cool on the
idea of attracting every bug and beastie possible. “Indiscriminate love of
wildlife will take a beating, as animals such as panthers, boar and deer
reach the suburbs. ‘Hug a slug’ may become less fashionable,” she says.


“The poor economy and the Chelsea Flower Show centenary will trigger sales of
replica vintage items such as Victorian terracotta pots, cloches and seed
boxes,” says Matthew Appleby. “In tough times people are drawn
to what they feel is safe and comforting.”

It’s not all about harking back, though: “As an antidote to the sodden summer
of 2012, expect a surge in outdoor LED lighting, which is transforming
gardening into a 24-hour activity.”

Garden centres, meanwhile, are doing more than ever to entice shoppers to hang
around. It seems to be working. The Garden Centre Association (GCA) reported
November sales up 11 per cent compared to last year.

“Their cafés are doing a roaring trade too. There were 55 million visits to
garden centre cafés in 2011, up from 36 million in 2008.”



Potentially the most damaging plant disease to hit Britain since Dutch elm
disease, Chalara fraxinea (ash dieback) will continue to wreak slow
havoc on native woodlands. For updates and more information, visit the Forestry
Commission website


Slugs and snails may be so last year, but the viburnum beetle is set to
continue its invasion and chestnut blight threatens our sweet chestnuts (Castanea
). For more information, visit


The conservation charity Plant
celebrates its 35th birthday this year. Ian Hodgson is a
big fan: “Cultivated plants, which includes those grown in gardens, are now
considered as critical to conserve as those grown in the wild,” he says.
“With 630 national plant collections, Plant Heritage can play a leading role
in protecting Britain’s biodiversity.”


Primary schools do well at teaching gardening, but at secondary level the
green-fingered energy fizzles out. With high-profile support from Alan
Titchmarsh, Jamie Oliver and Prince Charles, let’s hope more secondary
schools will start to teach the subject. “With increased tuition fees
putting people off university, horticulture may be one area which benefits
from young people taking a more pragmatic look at their futures,” says
Matthew Appleby.


2012 was the wettest year on record and, from a gardening point of view, one
of the most difficult. Predictably unpredictable weather looks set to
continue, but at least a hosepipe ban in spring 2013 is now off the cards.
Opinion is still divided on whether 2013 will be warm and dry or cold and
dry. See Noel Kingsbury’s predictions on pages 45.


Prince Harry’s charity for HIV+ children in Lesotho, Sentabele,
will exhibit at Chelsea in the show’s centenary year. The prince is said to
be taking a “keen interest” in the garden, which is being designed by Jinny


Horticulture charity Perennial
is seeking to capitalise on the volunteer spirit that was so much to the
fore during the Olympics and is launching its biggest ever call to action.
For more information, call 01372 384033 or visit

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