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How to make landscape edible look incredible

The lawn is gone — now what?

Ask Ivette Soler and the answer is simple — plant a beautiful, bountiful edibles garden where thirsty turf once reigned. The Los Angeles blogger ( and landscape designer spells out the details in her best-selling book “The Edible Front Yard” (Timber Press, $19.95). There Soler emphasizes design and growing tips so that neighbors will be wowed by the yard’s delicious good looks and its tasty produce.

On Nov. 12, Soler headlines a special meeting of the San Diego Horticultural Society with a talk that will inspire homeowners to “mow less and grow more.” The event at the Surfside Race Place at the Del Mar Fairgrounds is $20 ($15 for SDHS members.) Details, including how to purchase tickets online, are at

Recently, Soler took respite from record heat to answer questions via email. Here are her thoughts on mixing edibles and ornamentals, mollifying HOAs and the power of herbs:

Q: Before “The Edible Front Yard,” was there lawn in front of your house?

A: When I moved into my home, there was a lawn with foundation plants against the house. I wasn’t interested in lawn — I didn’t want to mow it, and I certainly didn’t want to waste water on something I thought was the domain of my grandfather (he was obsessed with his lawn!). I wanted something more interesting, so I got rid of my lawn and started planting what is now my garden — a raucous mix of succulents, herbs and edibles.

Q: After a lawn is gone, there are lots of landscape options. Why pick edibles?

A: For me it was a journey. I didn’t rip out my lawn and say, “OK — EDIBLE FRONT YARD!” First I planted lots of drought-tolerants and succulents — in 1992, Southern California was in the middle of a severe drought, and I felt a responsibility to be water-wise. Food came later, after I started cooking. I’d always mixed colorful herbs with succulents in my garden design practice, but at a certain point I started mixing artichokes, peppers and small tomatoes in my front yard garden, and the mix worked beautifully.

Q: Some homeowners associations view an “Edible Front Yard” as an eyesore. How should homeowners work with these groups?

A: HOAs see eyesores because many edible front gardens are what I call “Front Yard Farms” that only think of yield and not aesthetics. The whole point of my book is showing people how to look at edibles with the same eye they use for ornamental plants. Once a homeowner is actually designing his/her edible front yard for attractiveness as well as for crop yield, the HOA will have nothing much to say. What can someone say that is negative about a beautiful garden?

Q: Could you share three tips for keeping an edible front yard attractive year round?

A: One — integrate edibles within an ornamental “backbone.” This way there will always be something to look at, even when edibles have been harvested. Two — start with herbs. Herbs are the gateway drug to edible gardening. In our climate, many edibles are perennials and will be attractive all year long. And three — have “go-to” plants on hand to fill in holes caused by harvesting. These can be edibles for next season’s garden or your favorite annuals. They’ll hide the empty spaces until you are ready to replant your food crops.

Q: Does an edible front yard have to be all edibles? Can you mix it up?

A: I think edible front yards depend on ornamentals to keep them looking strong. What you use depends on your favorite style of gardening and where you garden. For example, I live in a zone where I can grow succulents to my heart’s content, and I grow them with abandon. I use them as a year-round backbone to the edibles I mix in.

Q: What’s most important to give an edible garden curb appeal?

A: The most important tool in my toolbox is contrast. Contrast of color, form and texture is crucial to creating an eye-pleasing garden.

Q: What are some ideal ornamental edibles for San Diego front yards?

A: I like to encourage people to explore the palette of heirloom vegetables, which have such incredible colors and shapes that can create amazing moments in a garden. And again — never forget the power of herbs, both in the kitchen and in the garden! Herbs come in amazing colors and can be used so well in Southern California.

Q: Is there a version of the edible front yard for fans of easy-care gardens?

A: Start with edibles in containers, and then go from there. I think it is important not to take on more than you can handle. Start with your very favorite edibles, the ones you can’t live without, in a few pots near your front door. If you are successful with them, then dip your toe in a little further. Once you get a passion for growing food, you’ll find yourself planting edibles in your front yard, side yard and back yard — just like me!

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