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Designer Julie Moir Messervy to speak about the importance of connecting …

800px-Toronto's_Music_Garden.jpgView full sizeJulie Moir Messervy worked with Yo-Yo Ma to design the Toronto Music Garden.Portland is fortunate to have garden designer Julie Moir Messervy coming to town for a lecture Nov. 9. Best known for collaborating with cellist Yo-Yo Ma to create the Toronto Music Garden, Julie has been designing private and public gardens, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, for 30 years. She’s written numerous award-winning books, including her latest “Outside the Not So Big House” with architect Sarah Susanka, and gives lectures and JMM Headshot.jpgView full sizeJulie Moir Messervy will be giving a lecture in Portland.workshops around the country.

Messervy will give the talk “Get Out! Designing Landscapes that Bring Everyone Outside Again” at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, at the Ecotrust Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center. Cost is $30. Tickets available online or at the door.

The appearance is sponsored by the Oregon chapter of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. The organization’s website is a great resource for finding a designer.   

— Kym Pokorny

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