Wire, straw, grapevine, evergreen and more are just the beginnings for making holiday wreaths for a welcoming and festive holiday season. Learn to make wreaths at “The Wonderful World of Wreaths” workshop sponsored by the Holland Garden Club.
Holland Garden Club members and floral designers Rose Albers and Nancy Bolt will be sharing ideas and techniques for making wreaths at the club’s Nov.1 workshop. The day begins with a 10 a.m. workshop, followed by a 11:30 a.m. meeting and a noon box lunch at First Reformed Church, 630 State St.
Albers, a floral designer and instructor, hosts floral design workshops for members and guests at her home. She is one of the chairman of the Ottawa County Flower Show and an award-winning floral designer.
Bolt is also an award-winning flower show entrant and floral designer. Both are past presidents of the Holland Garden Club.
Members and guests are invited to bring their own materials to the workshop. According to Bolt, they will help participants “turn out the most gorgeous wreaths you can imagine.” Suggested materials to bring for the wreath making workshop include any type of wreath, pine cones, fresh and dried materials, wrapped candies, ornaments and ribbon.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for members and guests to create holiday wreaths for their homes and the club’s fundraiser “Festival of Wreaths” to be held on Nov. 29 at the Holland Area Arts Council. Taking place 6-8 p.m., the evening will include wine, live music, hors d’ oeuvres and a chance to bid on decorated wreaths. Tickets are $15 and available at the workshop and from garden club members. Chairmen for the fundraiser are Alyce Doss and Laura Tonar.
Marge DuBois, Joan Serr and Rose Bush will be hosting the wreath making workshop.
For program information, contact Alyce Doss, (616) 335-3394. For luncheon reservations by Oct. 25, contact Lois Kayes at (616) 335-8407.
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