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Wash. Voting Rights Act, And Greendays Gardening


David Perez is an attorney with Perkins Coie and former assistant director of the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality at Seattle University’s School of Law. He led the efforts behind the Washington Voting Rights Act of 2012.

Gillian Marrah is a psychotherapist in private practice since 1980. She uses canine and equine assisted therapy in her work.

Gail Savina is the director of City Fruit.

Willi Galloway is the host of the gardening and cooking website called Her book new book is “Grow, Cook, Eat.”

Ingela Wanerstrand is a horticulturist, pruner and owner of Green Darner Garden Design. She learned how to prune fruit trees from books and school but mostly from several big, beautiful old trees that she has been restoring and pruning every year for 13 years.

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