Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners
You've decided to plant a garden but you need basic gardening tips for beginners, this is the place to be. Gardening has become a delightful hobby for people all over the world. There are many rewards for the gardener, the visuals of his creation, the scent of the blooms, great fresh air and lots … [Read More...]

Gardening Tips
Gardens come in different varieties like the plants you find in them. There are several gardening tips that can be used for all type of gardens. 1.Mulching protects your garden topsoil from being blown away. It also provides nutrients as it decomposes and improves the appearance of your gardens. … [Read More...]

A Few Gardening Tips For You
Below are some gardening tips that I feel are worth mentioning, and may possibly get you on your way to earning your green thumb. There are never to many gardening tips and I will just brush up on a few to get you started. I am sure if you do a search in Google for "gardening tips", you will have … [Read More...]

The Gardening Tips You Need to be able to Have that Dream Garden
In gardening, there are some tips that many have found more useful over others. These tips can be applied to the different types of gardens that people have. Taking these gardening tips into account is an assurance that you will have the kind of garden that you have always dreamed of having. On … [Read More...]

Fresh and Lively Gardening Tips For Beginners
Making your property look more lush and beautiful by gardening is something that has been done through the ages. Novice gardeners may take one look at a beautiful garden that was established years ago and think they want their yard to look exactly like that. Gardening takes a great deal of work and … [Read More...]

Four Essential Gardening Tips
There are a few gardening tips that have worked for me in the past that I am going to share with you because when starting your own garden there is no reason to head in with your eyes closed. There is plenty of information about gardening in your arsenal. The Internet, gardening clubs, books, … [Read More...]

Useful Home Gardening Tips For Beginners
When one finds himself looking for home gardening tips, it is important to think about the types of gardening such as indoor gardening, organic gardening, and vegetable gardening. These different "genres" of home gardening tips will only lead you into confusion so it is very important to take note … [Read More...]

Organic Gardening Tips – 5 Tips to Successful Organic Gardens
Unlike the popular theories that state that the space shuttle could miraculously appear if blown up enough times, an organic garden is usually not the result of an accident. People that have a successful garden have created one based upon their consistent upkeep, planning, and a desire to make their … [Read More...]
Featured Bottom
This is a widgeted area which is called Featured Bottom. It is using the Genesis - Featured Posts widget to display what you see on the Lifestyle child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Posts widget into the Featured Bottom widget area on the right hand side. To get the image to display, simply upload an image through the media uploader on the edit page screen and publish your page. The Featured Posts widget will know to display the post image as long as you select that option in the widget interface.